Monday, May 28, 2012

May Madness

We put our house on the market and within 10 days we had 2 offers. Which is amazing, but quite honestly we were not ready to move out so fast. We accepted one and moved forward, knowing they wanted to move in by the end of May.  We have have been hustling around trying to find a house to buy and finally found one and started the process of purchasing so we could get all the paperwork done in time.
Well, we are supposed to close this Friday and found out last Monday that our buyers forged a pre-approval letter (they did not have the finances to buy our house) and forged an appraisal on our house.  Arrghh!  We have been working with these people for over month and they were playing us all along.  So, we now have had to put our house back on the market and the other house is on extension for the time being.  Did I mention Kevin just took a job in the city we are moving to?  No stress, I will keep repeating my mantras and praying like crazy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Okay, so I am pledging to be better at blogging as I love to write and have not been allowing myself the time to do it (obviously, have you seen the last date on my post,haha!). So just a quick tidbit before I head off to bed. The other day the most bizarre thing happened to me, it was like I was in the Twilight Zone but it was just Rowlett,TX.  I was in a drive-thru line (I know,it is really hard to imagine) and it was going pretty fast.  I was chilling, listening to my tunes when the craziness began.  The car 1 ahead of me decided to just ram going full speed into the car(s) in front of him. No reason. Then the car in front of me, in utter despair to try to escape the insanity, decided to try to hop the enclosed lane and jump the curb. Unfortunately for him, he ran straight into a shrub and got stuck. Whatttt is going on? I just wanted a freakin' hamburger, for the love!  People are nuts. Be careful out there.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Long time, no blog!

Well, it has been a year for sure!  I am still teaching and my son is still growing at a rapid pace.  He is now 2 and a half and I find myself more sad at the fact he is no longer a baby.  I love to see him growing, but I feel like I am forgetting the little things that he does (he is always advancing so fast anymore, I can't keep up.)  I think I am going to start a journal and write down each month the highlights, like things he says, milestones, etc.  I think if I keep it as a monthly thing I can maintain it. 
I feel like I never sit down and am behind in everything theses days.  I sometimes feel like I must be doing something wrong, it has to be more simple right?  In a world that is constantly on the go, I find myself running trying to keep up.  I just wish there was a way to simplify things, so I could actually slow down to enjoy life more.  Any ideas or tips?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back to Work

I am starting back to work tomorrow for the first time in 3 years. I have to go back for financial reasons and while I am very grateful to have gotten this job, I am a mess. I started Gavin in daycare and am trying to get him used to the new schedule. He got bit yesterday on his arm and I felt awful to have put him in the situation in the first place. I knew that when I went back it would be hard, but wow, it really hurts! I was very fortunate to have stayed with him this long and I do cherish the time we had together.
Gavin has been acting out and it makes me feel horrible and guilty. He has been a little bit of a stinker before I put him in (Terrible 2's) but now he melts down every 5 seconds. He began spitting in my face and pushing the limits like never before. The other night I was putting him down to bed and he would not give me sugars. Instead he swung at me and spit in my face. I had to hand him off to Kevin and went down stairs crying. I try not to take it personal, but I know my kid better than anyone else and I know he is mad at me. It's really weird because he is SUPER clingy and yet very distant at the same time. Anyone else have problems like this? Please share!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas on the way

I am so excited that Christmas is coming! Yesterday, I took Gavin to the mall's play area and noticed Santa sitting not too far away. When it was time to leave, Gavin spurted in front of me and ran to Santa! I could not believe it! Luckily, there was no line b/c Gavin went in through the back way and hopped on Santa's lap. He smiled really big and got his pic taken. I was shocked. He is only 20 months and I have heard so many horror stories about their kids being afraid of old St. Nick. The pictures turned out great and that is one less thing on my list! ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Blues

I have to say that I am sad that Halloween is over. I love decorating and eating lots and lots of candy. I know that my mother still believes it is the "Devil's Holiday" but honestly it is a lot of fun. My son was a sea otter (I know, but I really wanted something different). I got it from Animal Planet online and it was really great quality. For as much as you pay at Target or any of the Halloween places, you can find great deals online. I was a rocker on a budget, lol. I bought a wig and tattoo sleeves and threw on a Zeplin t-shirt I had lying around. I was excited to find and make some decorations from Wal-Mart that were super cheap and cute.
Gosh, I am starting to sound like one-of-those mom's, but in our current economic situation we do have to watch our money more. I thought today that I am really becoming a June Cleaver so to speak. I love cleaning and the house is virtually spotless. I love to cook and decorate. I do laundry every other day. It's not that I wasn't a little of all of these things before, but until I had Gavin I really didn't notice it as much. Maybe I am getting older or maybe the motherhood bug took a huge bite out of me! I became a fanatical cleaner when I was pregnant, which is funny b/c I was in the hospital for most of it. Being on bed rest drove me nuts, especially if my not so clean hubby left the room in a muck. Oh well, it is what it is. But, I will never trade my Jeep for a minivan. ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My nails are growing for once

My entire family has been sick the last month and I am beginning to feel like a crazy person. First it was my son, then me, then my son, then my hubby, then me, etc. Well, my son went to the dr. today to find another ear infection and resp.infection. Arrrghh! One of my friends suggest I build a bubble for him and I tend to agree with her. I have used hand sanitizer so much my hands are mad dry. I Lysol and clean fanatically, but still have a sick family. I always have been a nail biter (anxiety) and for once my nails are long because I have become a germophobe.