Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back to Work

I am starting back to work tomorrow for the first time in 3 years. I have to go back for financial reasons and while I am very grateful to have gotten this job, I am a mess. I started Gavin in daycare and am trying to get him used to the new schedule. He got bit yesterday on his arm and I felt awful to have put him in the situation in the first place. I knew that when I went back it would be hard, but wow, it really hurts! I was very fortunate to have stayed with him this long and I do cherish the time we had together.
Gavin has been acting out and it makes me feel horrible and guilty. He has been a little bit of a stinker before I put him in (Terrible 2's) but now he melts down every 5 seconds. He began spitting in my face and pushing the limits like never before. The other night I was putting him down to bed and he would not give me sugars. Instead he swung at me and spit in my face. I had to hand him off to Kevin and went down stairs crying. I try not to take it personal, but I know my kid better than anyone else and I know he is mad at me. It's really weird because he is SUPER clingy and yet very distant at the same time. Anyone else have problems like this? Please share!!

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