Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My nails are growing for once

My entire family has been sick the last month and I am beginning to feel like a crazy person. First it was my son, then me, then my son, then my hubby, then me, etc. Well, my son went to the dr. today to find another ear infection and resp.infection. Arrrghh! One of my friends suggest I build a bubble for him and I tend to agree with her. I have used hand sanitizer so much my hands are mad dry. I Lysol and clean fanatically, but still have a sick family. I always have been a nail biter (anxiety) and for once my nails are long because I have become a germophobe.


  1. Hey! I love blogs! So glad you have one. I started one a while back - it's addicting!


    Sorry Gavin is sick again! Maybe a bubble would work :) haha!

  2. Ha! I'll let you know once I get that patent approved for the user-friendly and socially-approved hypoallergenic bubble. My knuckles have been cracked and bleeding for over a month now....seriously?! For xmas I'll be asking for a hand rejuvination, right after we visit the fam in that frigid bitch I of a hometown, aka. the 'Midwest'.
